This is a user guide to setup a training algorithm using the pc-gym environment. We use Stable Baselines 3 to implement the reinforcement learning algorithm Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO).
Environment Definition
Firstly import the pc-gym library, numpy and stable baselines 3.
In control systems, a setpoint is the target or goal for a system's output. It's the value that the control system aims to achieve.In this code snippet, a dictionary named SP
is created to store the setpoints for each state. The keys in the dictionary represent the state (concentration of species A), and the values are lists that represent the setpoints for each step in the state.
T = 26
nsteps = 100
# Enter required setpoints for each state.
SP = {
'Ca': [0.85 for i in range(int(nsteps/2))] + [0.9 for i in range(int(nsteps/2))],
and observation_space
are two important concepts that define the range of possible actions that an agent can take and the range of possible observations that an agent can perceive, respectively.
In this code snippet, both the action_space
and observation_space
are defined as continuous spaces, represented by a dictionary with 'low' and 'high' keys.
# Continuous box action space
action_space = {
'low': np.array([295]),
# Continuous box observation space
observation_space = {
'low' : np.array([0.7,300,0.8]),
'high' : np.array([1,350,0.9])
In this code snippet, a dictionary named env_params
is created to store the parameters of the environment. An instance of the Models_env
OpenAI gym class is created with the parameters defined in the env_params
r_scale ={
'Ca': 1e3 #Reward scale for each state
env_params = {
'N': nsteps, # Number of time steps
'tsim':T, # Simulation Time
'SP':SP, # Setpoint
'o_space' : observation_space, # Observation space
'a_space' : action_space, # Action space
'x0': np.array([0.8,330,0.8]), # Initial conditions
'model': 'cstr_ode', # Select the model
'r_scale': r_scale, # Scale the L1 norm used for reward (|x-x_sp|*r_scale)
'normalise_a': True, # Normalise the actions
'normalise_o':True, # Normalise the states,
'noise':True, # Add noise to the states
'integration_method': 'casadi', # Select the integration method
'noise_percentage':0.001 # Noise percentage
env = make_env(env_params)
Policy Training
Next the policy can be trained using the previously defined environment and the PPO algorithm from stable baselines 3.
nsteps_learning = 3e4
PPO_policy = PPO('MlpPolicy', env, verbose=1,learning_rate=0.001).learn(nsteps_learning)
Policy Rollout and Plotting
With the trained policy, the plot_rollout
method can be called to rollout and plot the resulting state and control values. The method returns an instance of the evaluator class and the data used for the plots