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First Order System

Description & Equations

The first order system is an environment which could represent many first order systems in engineering. It is included as a simple environment to use in the initial development of control algorithms. The following system of equations describes the system

\begin{align} \nonumber\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}t} &= \frac{Ku-x}{\tau}\ \end{align}

where $x$, is the state variable, $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^2$ while, $u$ is the action variable.


The observation of the First Order System environment provides information on the state variables and their associated setpoints (if they exist) at the current timestep. The observation is an array of shape (1, 1 + N_SP) where N_SP is the number of setpoints. Therefore, the observation when there a setpoint exists [x, x_Setpoint].


The action space is a ContinuousBox of [0,10].


The reward is a continuous value corresponding to square error of the state and its setpoint. For multiple states, these are scaled with a factor $\gamma_i$ and summed to give a single value.


This model implementation and its description were kindly provided by Akhil Ahmed.