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Process Control (pc-) gym is a set of benchmark chemical process control problems for reinforcement learning with integrated policy evaluation methods to aid the development of reinforcement learning algorithms.

The pc-gym was developed within the Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering and is published as an open-source package which welcomes contributions from the RL and PSE communities.

Note: this is a pre-release version of the documentation and may not reflect the current version of pc-gym

Quick start

Setup a CSTR environment with a setpoint change

import pcgym

# Simulation variables
nsteps = 100
T = 25

# Setpoint
SP = {'Ca': [0.85 for i in range(int(nsteps/2))] + [0.9 for i in range(int(nsteps/2))]} 

# Action and observation Space
action_space = {'low': np.array([295]), 'high': np.array([302])}
observation_space = {'low': np.array([0.7,300,0.8]),'high': np.array([1,350,0.9])}

# Construct the environment parameter dictionary
env_params = {
    'N': nsteps, # Number of time steps
    'tsim':T, # Simulation Time
    'SP' :SP, 
    'o_space' : observation_space, 
    'a_space' : action_space, 
    'x0': np.array([0.8, 330, 0.8]), # Initial conditions [Ca, T, Ca_SP]
    'model': 'cstr_ode', # Select the model

# Create environment
env = pcgym.make_env(env_params)

# Reset the environment
obs, state = env.reset()

# Sample a random action
action = env.action_space.sample()

# Perform a step in the environment
obs, rew, done, term, info = env.step(action)


The latest production pc-gym version can be installed from PyPI:

pip install pcgym
Alternatively, you can install the latest development version directly from GitHub:

pip install git+


Example notebooks with training walkthroughs, implementing constraints, disturbances and the policy evaluation tool can be found here.


Currently there are six implemented process control environments, this will be expanded over time.

Environment Category Source Code Description
CSTR Reactor Code Documentation
First Order System Simple Model Code Documentation
Multistage Extration Column Code Documentation
Nonsmooth Control Linear System Code Documentation
Crystallisation Reactor Reactor Code Documentation
Four Tank System Level Control Code Documentation
Fluidized Biofilm Sand Bed Reactor Reactor Code Documentation
Photoproduction Bioreactor Code Documentation

All environments use the following observation representation for $i$ states and $j$ disturbances: \begin{align} \nonumber o = [x_i,..., x_{i,sp}..., d_j,...] \end{align}

Future Features

The following features are being worked on to be added in the near future: - Observability Mask - More case studies - Custom reward functions

Citing pc-gym

If you use pc-gym in your research, please cite using the following

  author = {Max Bloor and Jose Neto and Ilya Sandoval and Max Mowbray
            and Akhil Ahmed and Mehmet Mercangoz and Calvin Tsay and Antonio Del Rio-Chanona},
  title = {{pc-gym}: Reinforcement Learning Envionments for Process Control},
  url = {},
  version = {0.0.4},
  year = {2024},

Other great gyms

Other works have built upon the OpenAI Gymnasium framework: